Who benefits from Hypopressive Training?
The short answer is ANYONE can benefit from Hypopressive Training!
Use Hypopressives as the foundation for all physical activity and as a stand-alone form of exercise. Learning Hypopressives can substantially improve the function of specific groups of people.
Hypopressives is a series of postures and breathing techniques that you can do anywhere and without any equipment. The method cannot be learnt from a video due to its simple but very technical nature. You should only try to learn from a qualified Hypopressives instructor. Here at Therapy-First Physiotherapy, Jaz is a qualified Level 1 Hypopressive Trainer.
The term ‘HYPOpressive’ refers to decrease or reduction in pressure, whereas most traditional exercises, including abdominal exercises are HYPERpressive—they increase internal pressure. Specifically, with Hypopressives we are referring to pressure related to the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities. What happens as a result of the internal pressure we are subjected to from, for example, gravity, everyday activities and physical training, depends entirely on an individual’s ability to handle that pressure.
But pressure will always find the weakest point, and this can be the cause of medical conditions such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and hernias. If a woman has had a baby, they’re likely to have experienced those internal pressures on already weakened structures. Therefore, they’re more likely to suffer from such conditions.
Hypopressive training re-programmes the core muscles, including the pelvic floor, which are vital in managing pressure consciously and sub-consciously. Typical pelvic floor and core exercises, such as Pilates, train conscious core control. But the core needs to be able, and is designed to, cope at a subconscious level. Typical pelvic floor and core exercise such as Pilates relies on conscious muscle contraction.
It’s all very well in a training environment where you are able to “brace” or “hollow” before physical activity. But what happens in daily life when, for example, you reach to pick up a heavy toddler who’s fallen over. Your focus is on your child and you are relying on your core at a sub-conscious level.
Doing Hypopressive exercises increases the resting tone and involuntary function of the core muscles. In other words, the core starts to work as it was designed to do. In order to learn Hypopressives individuals need expert instruction. The protocol involves training twice a week for 5 weeks, where you learn all the technical aspects of breathing and postures and practice a 20-25 minute routine. You complete the full re-programming of your core by doing that routine for 30 consecutive days.”
For more information on hypopressives, please visit our blog or check our fanpage on Facebook.
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