Physiotherapists use acupuncture as one of many treatments in an integrated approach to manage pain and inflammation and stimulate the body’s own healing chemicals to aid recovery and enhance rehabilitation.
The acupuncture needle will stimulate the flow of QI [pronounced ‘chee’], which circulates in channels or meridians within the body. The QI circulates within the deeper organs of the body but connects to the superficial skin. In the state of a normal healthy body, a balance exists between these systems. Both the superficial energy and the deeper energy can be influenced by the stimulation of specific acupuncture points.
When injury, disease, emotional trauma, or infection occurs, it can affect the natural flow of QI within the meridians and organs. This leads to an altered flow, either slowing or stagnating the QI, causing pain and inflammation, or creating a deficit of QI that results in weakness, exhaustion, and prolonged illness. Stimulating the relevant acupuncture points can free stagnation, reduce excess, or increase QI in the specific area or organ, helping restore normal QI flow and balance.
Physiotherapists use needle therapy, backed by sound research and evidence, to enhance pain modulation by stimulating the brain and spinal cord to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins, melatonin to promote sleep, and serotonin to promote well-being, to name just a few.
These assist the body’s healing process and offer pain relief as a precursor for other manual or exercise therapy. Advanced AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) members also use needle therapy to address some systemic and longer-term illnesses, always aiming to enhance physiotherapy treatment and improve quality of life.
At Therapy-First Physiotherapy we specialise in using needle therapy as an addition to our physiotherapy treatments. It is particularly effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions as it can help with back and neck pain, tension headaches and muscle and joint problems. It is also very helpful in the treatment of sports injuries.
Needle therapy boasts an exemplary safety record, with practitioners using only pre-sterilised single-use needles and inserting them with a high degree of accuracy into the acupuncture points. Our physiotherapists are highly qualified and members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP).
Most people who receive acupuncture from a skilled practitioner are amazed at how comfortable it feels. The proper sensation for acupuncture to be most effective is dull and heavy, not sharp. Needle therapy stimulates healing and regeneration within the body. People often feel a sense of calm, improved sleep, and well-being after each session.
Many people experience rapid recovery in their condition with only a few sessions while others take longer to respond. Some people respond better to treatment than others. Deeper conditions may require more sessions to show results. Acupuncture’s effects are cumulative, increasing as treatment progresses. Combining needle therapy with manual therapy considerably increases the success rate of treating musculoskeletal conditions.
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Our clinic is based in Media City UK Salford Quays.
We will help you get on the road to recovery quickly.
DANMAR Health Group Limited Is a registered company (Reg. No. 14593372) t/a Therapy‑First Physiotherapy
© Therapy-First Physiotherapy